Tyee Critical Metals Project

The Tyee Project is a 100% owned 625 km2 critical metals project north of Havre St. Pierre in Quebec.

Tyee Critical Metals

The project covers a large portion of the Havre St. Pierre anorthosite complex. This complex contains the largest solid ilmenite mine worldwide, the Lac Tio Mine, 100 km to the south. This mine has been producing high grade titanium for the past 75 years and is owned by Rio Tinto.

2023 discoveries of 36% Titanium (TiO₂) and 0.75% Nickel on a 100% owned project without underlying royalties

Blackbird Critical Metals acquired the Tyee Project in 2022 and flew a property wide SkyTEM geophysical survey of over 3,500 line km at 200 m line spacing. The detailed geophysical data revealed over 60 conductive targets that were followed up with ground exploration. The ground exploration yielded 8 large occurrences of massive ilmenite with grades of up to 36% TiO₂ and 4 occurrences with nickel and copper mineralization of up to 0.75% Ni and 0.81% Cu in gossans.


Blackbird’s Tyee Critical Metals Project is serviced by excellent infrastructure with the newly constructed Romaine IV hydroelectric Dam at less than 15 km from the claim boundary. This Dam is accessible by an all-season paved road that is maintained by the Quebec Government.

Active mining is taking place in the region by Rio Tinto. 100 Km south from the the Romaine IV dam Rio Tinto mines ilmenite that is then transported to Havre St. Pierre by rail. From This ore is shipped to a processing plant in Sorel-Tracy where Rio Tinto is now the only North American producer of Scandium.

The excellent infrastructure in the region allows for efficient exploration programs that can be serviced from town for small exploration programs, to road-side camps for mid-size exploration programs to reduce helicopter time, and temporary camps on-claims for larger exploration programs.

Mineralization on nearby tenure is not indicate of mineralization on the Tyee Project. The Tyee Project is an exploration stage project.  

Over $7 Billion was recently invested in the Romaine IV hydroelectric dam within 15 km of the Tyee claim boundaries

Regional Staking Rush

The core of the Tyee claims were staked in early 2022. Shortly after that, Rio Tinto staked a claim block just to the south of Tyee which sparked more staking in the region. At the end of 2022, a neighboring company hit nickel in drill core and sparked a regional staking rush. Numerous companies spent an estimated $600,000 on claim staking in the region in the following months. Blackbird Critical Metals consolidated a large landpackage of 625 km2 during this period and the Tyee claims are owned 100% with no underlying NSR.

Thousands of claims were staked in the region since 2022 with Blackbird consolidating a massive 625 km2 land package

Tyee Prospecting Discoveries

Prospecting work on the Tyee Project in 2023 yielded 12 critical metals targets that are amenable to further exploration and drilling. Another set of conductors remains to be tested following the 2nd phase of data collection by SkyTEM. Drilling is planned for late spring of 2024, pending permits and contractor availability, and will target both titanium and nickel occurrences. The prospecting revealed that titanium occurrences are associated with vanadium, scandium, iron and chromium. Nickel occurrences are associated with copper and cobalt.

Blackbird is fully funded for its maiden drill program


Corporate Presentation